

10 documents were signed to expand cooperation with Kazakh universities

As part of the international week of innovative ideas “InnoWeek-2023”, a meeting was held on expanding cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in the field of higher education, science and innovation.Head of the Social Development Department of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Odil Abdurakhmanov, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Shakhlo Turdikulova, Ambassador-Counselor of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan Zhaslan Iskakov and Deputy Minister of Science The event was attended by Kamil Akatov, as well as a number of high officials of the two countries, rectors of educational institutions.At the meeting, the head of the social development department of the presidential administration, O. Abdurakhmanov, spoke about relations between the two countries, including cooperation in the field of higher education, science and innovation. The expansion of these ties and plans for the future were then discussed.As a result of the meeting, 10 international agreements were signed to expand cooperation between universities of the two countries.

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